


©  2021 - 2023, All rights reserved by Sofie Roterman

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Embodied knits

This research started with my fascination for immaterial elements that can influence our experience. Light, sound, smell, color and even taste sensations determine our perception. They are part of our daily lives but we take them for granted. This is, in my opinion, because we live in a society that constantly wants us to consume. We are flooded with an abundance of stimuli to tempt us to purchase. This overflow of sensorial stimuli has made us immune to the beauty that is already around us. 

It is no longer enough to engage the viewer with the artwork in an solely aesthetic way. With ‘Embodied Knits’, I allow the viewer to explore the knitting sculptures on a deeper level by engaging multiple senses. Phrases such as: "Please be silent and let the sounds of the textiles take over" and "Explore the space by touching and hearing the textiles" accompanied by video and audio in which the knitting pieces are activated, creates an environment in which the viewer is invited to be immersed by the textiles.  

I let my hands be guided by the materials and the knitting stitches to determine the shape of my knits. It is a search for the autonomy of knitting. 
Knitting does not always have to have an application or function, but can also stand on its own.